Eating Holy Communion is Cannibalism!
Really? Is eating holy communion cannibalism? Think about it.
If you actually believe the bread and wine are converted into the body of a person, dead or alive, and then you eat it, are you not practicing cannibalism? And if you don’t think the practice of cannibalism is barbaric, then should we eat our dead? Stay with me on this…
The Roman Catholic Church actually has a name for the conversion of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. They call it, “Transubstantiation.” No, I’m not kidding! Google it if you don’t believe me. The church came up with that fancy name in the twelve century, almost nine hundred years ago, but really, does a fancy name make you feel any better about it? Why did they do that?
By giving it a big fancy name, the Church is trying to convince you that it is a real thing…that it is NOT just a symbolic conversion of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. They are trying to convince you that it is the ACTUAL body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Now, some churches try pull a fast one, and they do a “double speak” about transubstantiation. They will say that the appearance or substance of the unleavened bread and wine has not changed, and they would be right on that account. But what they then say is that, after it is blessed, that it contains the “presence” of Jesus Christ. This is tantamount to saying it contains the “soul” of Jesus. It supposedly has, what I would call, “the essence” or “spirit” of Jesus.
But why do they try go to so much trouble to convince you of all this? Because the church knows you are not an idiot. You can see that the bread did not change into flesh or the muscle of Jesus! You can taste that the bread or cracker is still a piece of bread or a cracker. So, they will tell you that the physical part of the bread or cracker has not changed. (And they would be right.) But then they say that it really is Jesus! Why? Because this is what Jesus supposedly did in the Last Supper, the night before he died.
The point is whether or not YOU are buying what the church is selling! So I will ask you again. Do you think, that when your priest or minister recreates the act of the Last Supper, and says some prayers over the bread and wine, that it actually is converted into what they then call, “The Body of Christ?” And if you do, and you eat it, are you not committing the act of cannibalism?
If you say, well, I really don’t believe it is cannibalism, it’s just symbolic. Then aren’t you practicing symbolic cannibalism? Is that so bad? Yes. It is. It’s bad. Read on.
Let’s look at another example to illustrate the point, and why this practice is such a bad idea. Suppose someone came up with a religious ritual which involved the killing of a real baby goat, on some sort of altar, and then offered it up to their God. This is not an extreme example! The Bible is full of such sacrifices. Would you do it? Would you take your young children to see it as a gory ritual every Sunday?
Now suppose the priest or minister didn’t use a real baby goat, but watered it down a bit. Suppose he used a stuffed animal that looked like a baby goat, and he cut off the goat’s head as part of the ritual as he prayed over the stuffed animal. Wouldn’t you think this was bizarre behavior?
Wouldn’t you take your son or daughter to see a Psychiatrist, if they did the same thing as part of their daily play activity? I believe most rational people, living in the twenty first century, would not only consider the behavior bizarre, but would consider it actually insane in this technically advanced day and age.
Priests and Ministers who believe they are converting bread and wine into the body and blood of a dead man, and then ask you to eat it, are insane in this act. Should they be put in jail? No. They are only misguided. In fact, they think they are doing good. They think they are performing a real service for our society. Many of them make a good living doing it on a regular basis, which gives their work credibility.
Are they harming anybody? Yes, they are. And the harm they do is more terrible than you probably know or realize. Why is it so bad? It is because the harm is so subtle. They have convinced many people, religious believers, that our world is not real …that this world is only temporary. Christianity, Judaism and Islam have convinced their followers that the ultimate reality is heaven, where they say you should go to be with God after you die. And for them, eternity in heaven is what is important; not the real world in which we live.
But isn’t this exactly what the Islamic bombers believe when they blow themselves up to kill us because we don’t believe in their version of God and heaven? This is the danger of maintaining mystical beliefs created by superstitious religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
If you think these beliefs are OK and not dangerous, then I would point out that the United States has been at war with Muslims who are willing to die for their religious beliefs ever since the Muslims killed thousands of people on 9/11. The United States is at war with groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban precisely because they are willing to kill you and me for our beliefs.
The things which we believe are real matter. They matter a lot.
Substituting one wrong reality, like the Islamic one, with similar wrong reality, like the Christian one, or visa-versa, is still wrong!
Let’s get real, shall we? What do we really know for sure? This world is real. You are real. And the good news is, that you are alive in this reality, in the here and now.
I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you, but ghosts are not real, and when you die, you’re dead. So make the most of your life, by loving your family and friends while you can.
But let’s stop kowtowing and offering lip service to religion by saying we believe in mystical, pretend ideas like Heaven, Hell, Gods, Angels, Devils and Souls. And, for Heaven’s sake! (Sarcasm intended.) Please stop eating “Holy Communion” and thinking it is a good thing. It’s not.